Spring Plumbing Tips from “Powell’s Plumbing”

By: DavidPage

It’s already March, and spring is coming soon, even if it hasn’t yet arrived. This is the spring Powell’s Plumbing checklist that will help you keep your plumbing in tip-top shape this season.

Your sump pump should be checked. Spring storms can bring you flowers but also stress your sump pumps unit. Cleaning your sump pump is a good idea. Refer to your owner’s manual for more information. Also, you should test your sump pump. First make sure that the pit is clean and then add water. You can also get mold and mildew in winter by running water and vinegar through the pump.

Make sure you check your water valves. It’s a good idea for your home to turn off the water valves every now and again to ensure they don’t become sticky.

Install a flood alarm – This is especially important if you live near flood-prone areas. Spring is a good time to test to see if you are in flood-prone areas. Flood alarms can be very affordable and save you money on property damage and property losses.

Outdoor faucets and sprinklers should be checked now to determine if there are any freeze-induced leaks. Outdoor faucet leaks and sprinkler leaks are usually a sign that your pipe has frozen and broken during winter.

You should inspect your washer’s supply lines. Most likely, they are made from rubber which degrades with age. These hoses should be replaced approximately every five years. You can add a quick inspection of the hoses to your spring cleaning list. It’s also a great time for you to clean behind your dryer and washer while you do this.

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Powell’s Plumbing is available to help if you have any questions after you complete the checklist. Powell’s Plumbing can help you with sump pump repairs and maintenance.

Tips from Powell’s Plumbing & Pumps

Once your property has thawed from winter, it is time to prepare your home for spring. This means calling your local plumbers, who can provide important plumbing services.

Since 2015, Powell’s Plumbing Illawarra has been represented by Brad Powell. Since 2015, Brad Powell has been the face of Powell’s Plumbing Illawarra. His business specializes in all aspects of plumbing, including repairs and renovations as well as gas fittings. Brad began his apprenticeship in Sydney in 2000 and worked on new homes. He then purchased his first home in Dapto, Brooks Reach in 2003.

Powell Plumbing Illawarra is unique because of their recent investment in drain-reline equipment. These equipment is rare and EYMAN PLUMBING can reduce the landscape damage. This equipment is great for difficult to reach places, such as under concrete slabs or driveways, where digging up may be possible and more cost-effective.